
Useful Commands

add everything to the commit (including new file and files that were deleted):

git add -A

commit all of the changes:

git commit -m "some message about what you did"

push to remote account:

git push origin master

view current tags:

git tag

making a new tag:

git tag -a V0.0.1 -m " new version 0.0.1"

committing a tag:

git push origin master --tags

checkout a tag:

git checkout -b [branchname] [tagname]

see which branch you are on:

git branch

to make a new branch:

git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]

to change the working branch:

git checkout [name_of_your_new_branch]

to push the branch to github:

git push origin [name_of_your_new_branch]

delete a local branch:

git branch -d the_local_branch

delete a remote branch:

git push origin --delete the_remote_branch

remove a large file from a commit that has not been pushed to master yet:

git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch papers/MO3/results/laptop/demoZ/D/videos/Final.mp4' HEAD

or remove a large folder from a commit that has not been pushed to master yet:

git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm -r --cached --ignore-unmatch papers/MO3/results/laptop/demoZ/D/videos/*' -f HEAD

connecting to github:

git remote add origin

Then make a new repository using the interweb

Caching your github password:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
# Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds)

Working with Remote Repositories

To clone a repo:

git clone

To view the remote:

febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/Documents/workspace/Autoware$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Removing a remote origin:

git remote rm origin

Setting an origin:

git remote set-url origin "https://..."

Revert to an old commit:

git push -f origin $old_commit_id:master

Make sure that you commit changes before moving from one branch to another the changes that you make do not belong to any particular branch!

remove files that where previously cached that are now in .gitignore:

git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -am "Removed ignored files"

Update your fork from the from the upstrean remo:

git fetch [name _of_remote]
git fetch

More info here

To automatically fetch and merge from a remote:

git pull upstream master

Remove submodule:

git rm --cached the_submodule_path

<<<<<<< HEAD Merging development branch with master ———————————————————————————————————————————— Merge master into develpment to see if there are any conflicts, so master remains clean:

Merge master into development to see if there are any conflicts, so master remains clean:

(on branch development)$ git merge master
(resolve any merge conflicts if there are any)
git checkout master
git merge development (there won't be any conflicts now)

<>`_ Resolving mere conflicts ———————————————————————————————————————- ======= Basics of Collaborating on git =========================================== This is a beginners guide to collaborating on git. Several examples will be provided assuming TulgaErsal is collaborating with huckl3b3rry87 on the PhD repo.

Getting started

This tutorial assumes that you are using a command line interface to git, for Windows consider using cmder and make sure that you download the full version that has git for Windows. Additionally, Atom is a useful tool for resolving merge issues visually.

Fork a Repository

  1. Go to and login. If it is a private repo that you will be collaborating on, then accept any invitations to collaborate.

2) Navigate to the repo that you will be collaberating on i.e.:
  1. In the top right conner of the page click Fork

4) open terminal and navigate to a folder where you will be working i.e.

cd Documents\workspace\

5) in the terminal, clone the forked repo that you will be collaborating on:

git clone

6) To see the current remote repo, type:

git remote -v

This should say:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

7) To add the original repo as the upstream type:

git remote add upstream

8) make sure that the upstream was added:

git remote -v

Which should say:

origin (fetch)
origin (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Example 1

To make sure that you are using the most recent version of the upstream (or original repo) you need to get the latest code and merge it into your repo. Use the terminal to navigate to the git folder with the repo that you are working on. Then type:

git merge upstream/master


The above command attempts to automatically merge, and if there are merge issues they can easily be resolved using the Atom text editor.


If you run this example just after setting everything up there should be no differences in the upstream repo.

Example 2

Each day that you make changes you can push them to your local repository.

Option 1 (using Atom)

If you are using the Atom text editor, this is very easy to do.

  1. open the Packages tab and scroll down to Github and click Toggle Git Tab.
  2. Click Stage All to stage the changes
  3. Write a commit message and click Commit
  4. Under the Commit button push the up arrow then click Push
  5. Put in your git user info

Option 2 (using terminal)

1) add changes:

git add -A

2) commit changes

git commit -m "updated docs"

3) push changes

git push origin master

Example 3

This example is for when you are ready to commit to the upstream repo, this example shows you how to make a pull request.

Assuming that, your local changes have all been committed to the local repo you can easily make a pull request at::

Just click the New Pull Request button.

This will then alert the original repo owner and they can then merge your changes.

>>>>>>> 583ccf8843b87e3b5ba41467af531075812f8d41

Create a disconnected git branch

  1. start with a fresh copy of the repo

2) Create a new disconnected branch:

git checkout --orphan gh-pages

3) hop onto that branch:

git checkout -b gh-pages

4) At this point there are no commits but lots of files from whatever branch you were on. Have git remove those files:

git rm -rf .

then follow the rest here:

julia> Pkg.clone("")
INFO: Cloning MPCDocs from
INFO: Computing changes...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git checkout --orphan gh-pagesSwitched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ branch
The program 'branch' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install rheolef
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git checkout gh-pages
error: pathspec 'gh-pages' did not match any file(s) known to git.
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git checkout -b gh-pages
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git rm -rf .
fatal: pathspec '.' did not match any files
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ ls
MPCDocs  MPCDocs.jl
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ cd MPCDocs
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs/MPCDocs$ ls
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs/MPCDocs$ cd ..
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs$ cd MPCDocs.jl/
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs/MPCDocs.jl$ ls
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs/MPCDocs.jl$ cd ..
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs$ git branch
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash/MPCDocs$ cd ..
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/.trash$ cd ..
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5$ cd MPCDocs/
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* master
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ ls
appveyor.yml  REQUIRE  src  test
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git checkout -b gh-pages
Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages'
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* gh-pages
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ ls
appveyor.yml  REQUIRE  src  test
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git diff
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* gh-pages
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git rm -rf .
rm '.codecov.yml'
rm '.gitignore'
rm '.travis.yml'
rm ''
rm ''
rm 'appveyor.yml'
rm 'src/MPCDocs.jl'
rm 'test/runtests.jl'
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* gh-pages
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ ls
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git clean -fdx
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* gh-pages
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git push origin master
Everything up-to-date
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git push origin gh-pages
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 * [new branch]      gh-pages -> gh-pages
febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/MPCDocs$ git branch
* gh-pages

Forking a Repository

Follow what this page talks about

also if you are doing this in julia see Another way to connect to github it using ssh

do a:

git branch

Initially the error was:

febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/VehicleModels$ git push origin master
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
  • This was obtained when initially setting up the git repositories in julia after cloning a package and trying to push modifications back up to the remote repository.
  • Information on this can be founds at , or by following the two steps a fix may be obtained:


NOTE: just hit enter, don’t change the default location!!! THEN:

  1. Make an ssh key and add it to github, following.
  2. Check out this, or use the following commands:
  • A program to hold private keys for public authentication.


  • Initially the agent does not hold any private keys.

    So run:


Mistakes I Made

  • Make sure that you are working on the master branch!

    • Do not check out a tag and start making changes only to realize that you are not on the master branch!
  • Trying to connect to github using ssh

    1. Create a github repository, with the name ( for example: huckl3b3rry87/LiDAR.jl )
    2. Then

    Type this in the terminal:

    febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/LiDAR$ git remote add origin
    1. Then

    Try this:

    febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/LiDAR$ git pull master
    1. Next

    Get this:

    fatal: 'master' does not appear to be a git repository
    fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Please make sure you have the correct access rights
    and the repository exists.

    Next we are going to test the ssh connection

    5) Attempt to ssh to GitHub By typing:

    febbo@febbo-HP-ZBook-17-G2:~/.julia/v0.5/LiDAR$ ssh -T
    Hi huckl3b3rry87! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

    6) realize that you messed up by typing:

    git pull master

    and not:

    git pull origin master